Credential Stuffing: Why reusing logins is a recipe for disaster!

We are into the fourth month of 2024 and the breach curve is on its rise, with brands like Roku, About 576,000 Roku accounts were compromised in a recent cyberattack, with hackers making unauthorized purchases on some accounts. It is also true that the immediate impact on the organizations is well publicized. But have you given a thought to what happens with the breached credentials? When credentials are breached, attackers may use them for credential stuffing attacks, account takeovers, identity theft, or selling them on the dark web. This can lead to unauthorized access to accounts, fraudulent activities, and phishing attempts.

Hackers are constantly innovating ways to infiltrate our online accounts. One prevalent attack method is “credential stuffing”. It’s a brute-force approach that leverages stolen login credentials from one platform to gain access to accounts on another.

How Credential Stuffing Works?

Imagine you use the same username and password combination for your social media, email, and online shopping accounts. Hackers exploit this common practice by obtaining leaked login credentials from data breaches. These stolen credentials are then fed into automated tools that attempt to log in to accounts on other platforms.

Here’s a breakdown of the credential stuffing process:

  • Data Breaches: Data breaches are unfortunately common occurrences. Hackers steal vast amounts of user data, including usernames and passwords, from compromised websites or services.
  • Automated Attacks: Armed with this stolen data, hackers unleash automated attacks.  They use software to rapidly try the stolen login credentials on other platforms.
  • Success Through Repetition: Even with a low success rate per attempt,  attackers can gain access to a significant number of accounts if the stolen credential list is large enough. 

Why Credential Stuffing is So Dangerous?

Credential stuffing poses a significant threat because it preys on a common human tendency –  reusing login credentials for convenience.  Here’s why it’s dangerous:

  • Widespread Success: Due to data breaches, the chances of hackers having stolen credentials that work on your accounts are high.
  • Automating Insecurity: Credential stuffing attacks are automated,  making them difficult to prevent without proper security measures. 
  • Access to Everything: If a hacker gains access to one account with reused credentials, they can potentially access other accounts you use the same login for.

Protecting Yourself from Credential Stuffing

Here’s how you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to credential stuffing:

  • Unique and Strong Passwords:  Create unique and strong passwords for every online account you use. Password managers can be helpful in generating and storing these passwords securely.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):  2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary verification code when logging in,  beyond just your username and password. 
  • Beware of Phishing Attempts: Phishing emails often try to trick you into revealing your login credentials. Be cautious of any emails urging you to click on links or download attachments.

Stay Vigilant, Stay Secure

By understanding credential stuffing and taking the necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of being hacked. Remember, cybersecurity is an ongoing practice.  Stay vigilant, and consider implementing a password manager and enabling 2FA wherever possible to safeguard your online accounts.

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Achieving cyber confidence begins with a solid strategy and governance. Technosprout leverages an “Assess, Design, Implement and Manage” four-pronged approach that leads organizations methodically through business transformation throughout the lifecycle

Our managed security services provide customized, comprehensive solutions, addressing specific business needs strategically along with the best certified experts and an experience of 7+ years in the market.

Don’t let your organization be the next target. Empower your organization and secure your data. We help implement Just-in-Time (JIT) and Passwordless access for complete risk mitigation. Strengthen your Identity and Access Management (IAM) with secure vaulting solutions.

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